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jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence warning

Requires that block description, explicit @description, and @param/@returns tag descriptions are written in complete sentences, i.e.,

  • Description must start with an uppercase alphabetical character.
  • Paragraphs must start with an uppercase alphabetical character.
  • Sentences must end with a period.
  • Every line in a paragraph (except the first) which starts with an uppercase character must be preceded by a line ending with a period.
  • A colon or semi-colon followed by two line breaks is still part of the containing paragraph (unlike normal dual line breaks).
  • Text within inline tags {...} are not checked for sentence divisions.
  • Periods after items within the abbreviations option array are not treated as sentence endings.


❌  Incorrect

 * foo.
function quux1 () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * foo?
function quux2 () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * @description foo.
function quux3 () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo)
function quux4 () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * `foo` is a variable
function quux5 () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Foo.
 * foo.
function quux6 () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * тест.
function quux7 () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo
function quux8 () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Foo
 * Bar.
function quux9 () {

// Message: A line of text is started with an uppercase character, but preceding line does not end the sentence.

 * Foo.
 * @param foo foo.
function quux10 (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo.
 * @param foo bar
function quux11 (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * {@see Foo.bar} buz
function quux12 (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo.
 * @returns {number} foo
function quux13 (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo.
 * @returns foo.
function quux14 (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. pellentesque elit diam,
 * iaculis eu dignissim sed, ultrices sed nisi. nulla at ligula auctor, consectetur neque sed,
 * tincidunt nibh. vivamus sit amet vulputate ligula. vivamus interdum elementum nisl,
 * vitae rutrum tortor semper ut. morbi porta ante vitae dictum fermentum.
 * proin ut nulla at quam convallis gravida in id elit. sed dolor mauris, blandit quis ante at,
 * consequat auctor magna. duis pharetra purus in porttitor mollis.
function longDescription (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

✅  Correct

 * @param foo - Foo.
function quux1 () {


 * Foo.
function quux2 () {


 * Foo.
 * Bar.
function quux3 () {


 * Foo.
 * Bar.
function quux4 () {


 * Тест.
function quux5 () {


 * Foo
 * bar.
function quux6 () {


 * @returns Foo bar.
function quux7 () {


 * Foo.
 * @see Math.sin
function quux8 () {


 * Foo {@see Math.sin} bar.
function quux9 () {


 * Foo?
 * Bar!
 * Baz:
 *   1. Foo.
 *   2. Bar.
function quux10 () {


 * Hello:
 * World.
function quux11 () {
